‭(856) 285-0443‬

Nurse, Angel, Hero

I have two kids that are trauma nurses, and I feel their pain as they face the COVID-19 pandemic every day. They are a nurse, angel, and hero to me. In their honor, all first responders will get 25% off their orders. All nurses will also get one of my # NURSE # ANGEL # HERO bracelets as a gift of appreciation.

My daughter works at the Christiana Hospital trauma unit, and my son-in-law works in the Cooper Hospital trauma unit. They save lives every day, handling whatever emergencies come through the doors. Now, during the coronavirus epidemic, they face the risk of illness themselves every day they go to work. The stress they are under as they help the seriously ill patients coming to the hospitals in immense. I can’t help but worry about them every day, and yet I’m so grateful and proud of them that they serve others the way they do.

My family has a history of service. My sister is a police officer in New Castle, Delaware, and she’s in the line of fire every day. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate her and all she does not only on the job, but also for her family.


Nurse, Angel, Hero

I want to tell them and all first responders publicly THANK YOU!
For all you do to help and serve those in need, you are angels.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you! You are my heroes!


Want more information? Call GiGi @ 856-285-0443

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Visit GiGi’s Facebook page here.


GiGi’s Farm and Garden • Nurse, Angel, Hero

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